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Transition Support

An effectively managed contract transition is critical in establishing or leaving an impression on your Government clients.  Performance during Contract phase-in will establish the tone of the working relationships among the Government project staff, the Contracting Office, and project management. An accelerated phase-in schedule, based on customer demands, may require additional personnel with experience in managing phase-ins. Contract phase-out is equally important - as a departing company you must leave behind a professional reputation and close out all contractual responsibilities.

AdvantEdge Group provides experts to help meet deadlines and complete necessary milestones on a timely basis.

Contract phase-in Support

  • Developing Phase-in and Ramp-up Plans
  • Originating Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRL)
  • Recruiting and Hiring Support
  • Implementing Rights-of-First-Refusal
  • Planning and Analysis
  • Coordinating On-Site IT, Network, and Infrastructure Support
  • Establishing Information Security Processes
  • Augmenting In-House Administrative Systems

Contract phase-out Support

  • Developing Phase-out Plans
  • Coordinating Contract Close-out Procedures IAW the Contract and FAR

Contact Us
For more information about AdvantEdge Group and our services, please email us.

Transition Support